Sick of Sharpening Your Hunting Knife? Try This.
written by evan anderson
A shot reverberates through the thick Idaho timber in the last hour of shooting light. Perfect placement, the elk in your crosshairs runs a short 30 yards and drops to the snow-frosted ground.
You make your way over to the kill, snap some trophy pictures to share with friends, and now it’s time to skin and quarter the animal. But as you begin making your first cuts with your good old fashioned fixed blade hunting knife, it quickly becomes apparent that you haven’t sharpened it since its last use as each stroke takes just a little more effort than you remember.
You glance up for a moment to see the last rays of sun fade from the tips of the treetops.
This is going to be a long night.
Perhaps the most annoying feeling when field dressing an animal is a dull knife. Cuts that effortlessly seperated big swaths of hide from the meat now require much more pressure to get the same result. Even if you’ve got a device with you to sharpen your blade, it slows the process significantly. And if you’re by yourself at last light with a large carcass like an elk or a moose, anything you can do to be more efficient will save you a lot of grief.
Outdoor Edge has created a unique solution to the problem with their RazorSafe system, a cross between a traditional hunting knife and a scalpel-like razor with replaceable blades. While there are a few options out there for replaceable razor blade knives, the Outdoor Edge RazorSafe Series retains the solid feel of a classic hunting knife while giving you the ability to quickly switch your blade out for maximum time efficiency in the field. And the blades are VERY sharp.
Outdoor Edge RazorMax | Courtesy of Outdoor Edge
The RazorPro also includes a folding gut blade that lets you open up the cape and gut package like a zipper, similar to how a gut-hook functions on some other knives.
On a personal note, my dad used an Outdoor Edge RazorLite on an antelope trip this year and absolutely loved it, only needing to replace his blade once.
For any sticklers that don’t like the replaceable blade system, Outdoor Edge also makes a variety of fixed blade gutting and caping knives as well as filet knives for processing the meat at home or in the field.
For those sick of dull knives, Outdoor Edge may just be the solution for you. Try it out and see what you think this fall, and check out The Great Outdoors by Outdoor Edge, now on Waypoint!